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China Geotextiles Market Analysis- Industry Size, Share, Research Report, Insights, Covid-19 Impact, Statistics, Trends, Growth and Forecast 2024-2032

Published Date: April, 2024
Base Year: 2023
Delivery Format: PDF+ Excel
Historical Year: 2017-2023
No of Pages: 163
Forecast Year: 2024-2032

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Market Overview

China’s geotextiles market is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing demand for geosynthetic materials in various construction and infrastructure projects. Geotextiles, which are permeable fabrics made from synthetic fibers, play a crucial role in soil stabilization, erosion control, filtration, and drainage applications. They are extensively used in road construction, railway projects, hydraulic engineering, and environmental protection initiatives. The market for geotextiles in China is witnessing substantial expansion, driven by factors such as urbanization, infrastructure development, and government initiatives promoting sustainable construction practices.


Geotextiles are synthetic materials designed to enhance the performance and durability of civil engineering projects. They are commonly used in infrastructure and construction projects to improve soil characteristics, prevent erosion, and enhance the overall stability of the structure. Geotextiles are typically made from polyester or polypropylene fibers and are available in various forms, including woven and non-woven fabrics. These materials offer excellent tensile strength, filtration properties, and resistance to chemical degradation, making them suitable for a wide range of applications.

Executive Summary

The China geotextiles market is witnessing robust growth, driven by the increasing demand for geosynthetic materials in construction and infrastructure projects. Geotextiles play a vital role in enhancing the performance and longevity of civil engineering structures by improving soil stability, preventing erosion, and providing effective drainage solutions. The market is characterized by the presence of both domestic and international manufacturers offering a diverse range of geotextile products. Factors such as rapid urbanization, infrastructure development initiatives, and the focus on sustainable construction practices are expected to drive the market growth in the coming years.

China Geotextiles Market

Key Market Insights

  1. Growing Demand for Geosynthetic Materials: The China geotextiles market is witnessing a surge in demand for geosynthetic materials, driven by the need for sustainable construction practices and the increasing number of infrastructure projects. Geotextiles offer numerous benefits, including soil stabilization, erosion control, and filtration, which contribute to the overall durability and performance of civil engineering structures.
  2. Infrastructure Development Initiatives: The Chinese government’s focus on infrastructure development, including road construction, railway projects, and hydraulic engineering, is a key driver for the geotextiles market. Geotextiles are extensively used in these projects to reinforce soil, prevent soil erosion, and provide effective drainage solutions.
  3. Urbanization and Construction Boom: Rapid urbanization in China has led to a significant increase in construction activities, further driving the demand for geotextiles. Geotextiles find applications in various construction projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, to enhance soil stability, prevent subsidence, and improve overall structural performance.
  4. Growing Environmental Concerns: With increasing environmental awareness, there is a rising emphasis on sustainable construction practices. Geotextiles offer environmentally friendly solutions by reducing soil erosion, promoting efficient water management, and preventing the leaching of pollutants into groundwater, thereby contributing to environmental protection.
  5. Technological Advancements: The geotextiles market in China is witnessing technological advancements aimed at improving the performance and properties of geotextile materials. Innovations such as the development of high-strength geotextiles, UV-stabilized materials, and biodegradable geotextiles are expected to drive market growth and cater to the evolving needs of end-users.

Market Drivers

The China geotextiles market is driven by several factors, including:

  1. Infrastructure Development: The Chinese government’s focus on infrastructure development projects, such as the construction of roads, railways, airports, and ports, is a significant driver for the geotextiles market. Geotextiles play a crucial role in reinforcing soil, preventing erosion, and providing effective drainage solutions in these projects.
  2. Urbanization and Construction Boom: Rapid urbanization in China has led to a surge in construction activities, creating a high demand for geotextiles. Geotextiles are used in various construction projects, including residential, commercial, and industrial buildings, to enhance soil stability and prevent soil erosion.
  3. Environmental Regulations and Sustainability: Increasing environmental concerns and regulations related to erosion control, soil management, and water pollution have fueled the demand for geotextiles. Geotextiles offer sustainable solutions by minimizing soil erosion, promoting efficient water management, and preventing the leaching of pollutants into groundwater.
  4. Cost-effectiveness and Long-term Benefits: Geotextiles provide cost-effective solutions by reducing the need for additional construction materials and minimizing maintenance requirements. They offer long-term benefits by enhancing the durability and performance of civil engineering structures, thereby reducing the overall lifecycle costs.
  5. Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and development efforts in the geotextiles industry have resulted in technological advancements, such as the development of high-strength geotextiles, UV-stabilized materials, and biodegradable geotextiles. These advancements enhance the performance and expand the application areas of geotextiles, driving market growth.

Market Restraints

Despite the positive growth prospects, the China geotextiles market faces certain challenges, including:

  1. Lack of Awareness and Education: Limited awareness and understanding of geotextiles among end-users, including contractors, engineers, and government agencies, pose a challenge to market growth. Efforts are required to educate stakeholders about the benefits and applications of geotextiles to encourage their adoption in construction projects.
  2. Price Sensitivity: Price sensitivity among buyers, especially in cost-sensitive construction projects, can hinder the widespread adoption of geotextiles. The perception that geotextiles are expensive compared to traditional construction materials may limit their market penetration, particularly among budget-conscious buyers.
  3. Availability of Alternatives: The availability of alternative materials and construction methods may pose a challenge to the geotextiles market. For certain applications, other solutions such as concrete structures, natural fiber erosion control mats, or geogrids may be considered as alternatives to geotextiles, depending on the project requirements and budget constraints.
  4. Quality Control and Counterfeit Products: Maintaining consistent product quality and combating the presence of counterfeit or substandard geotextile products in the market is crucial. The use of low-quality or counterfeit geotextiles can compromise the performance and integrity of construction projects, leading to negative perceptions and trust issues among end-users.
  5. Stringent Regulations and Standards: Compliance with stringent regulations and standards related to geotextile materials, manufacturing processes, and installation methods can pose challenges for market players. Adhering to these regulations and obtaining necessary certifications and approvals can increase the production costs and impact market competitiveness.

Market Opportunities

The China geotextiles market presents several opportunities for industry participants:

  1. Government Initiatives and Policies: The Chinese government’s continued focus on infrastructure development and sustainable construction practices creates opportunities for geotextile manufacturers. Government initiatives, such as the Belt and Road Initiative, urban renewal projects, and ecological restoration programs, require the use of geotextiles, presenting a favorable market landscape.
  2. Growing Environmental Awareness: Increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable solutions drive the demand for geotextiles. Industry players can leverage this opportunity by promoting the environmental benefits of geotextiles, such as soil erosion control, water management, and pollution prevention.
  3. Technological Advancements: Continued research and development efforts in geotextile materials and manufacturing processes offer opportunities for innovation and product differentiation. Developing advanced geotextile products with enhanced properties, such as higher strength, improved filtration, and durability, can cater to the evolving needs of end-users and gain a competitive edge.
  4. Expansion of Application Areas: Geotextiles have a wide range of applications beyond traditional construction projects. Exploring new application areas, such as green infrastructure development, land reclamation, coastal protection, and waste management, can open up additional market opportunities for geotextile manufacturers.
  5. Collaborations and Partnerships: Collaborating with research institutions, government agencies, and construction companies can foster innovation, knowledge sharing, and market expansion. Partnerships can enable the development of customized geotextile solutions for specific projects and facilitate access to new customer segments.

Market Dynamics

The China geotextiles market is characterized by dynamic factors that influence its growth and development. These market dynamics include:

  1. Economic Factors: Economic growth, government investments in infrastructure, and construction activities directly impact the demand for geotextiles. Stable economic conditions and increased construction expenditure contribute to market expansion.
  2. Government Regulations and Policies: Government regulations and policies, such as building codes, environmental standards, and infrastructure development initiatives, influence the adoption of geotextiles. Supportive policies and incentives can stimulate market growth, while regulatory barriers can hinder the market’s progress.
  3. Technological Advancements: Advances in geotextile manufacturing technologies, including materials, production processes, and installation methods, drive market growth. Technological innovations improve the performance, durability, and cost-effectiveness of geotextiles, enhancing their attractiveness to end-users.
  4. Environmental Awareness: Increasing environmental awareness and the adoption of sustainable construction practices create a positive market environment for geotextiles. The emphasis on environmental protection, erosion control, and water management drives the demand for geotextiles in construction projects.
  5. Competitive Landscape: The market competitiveness is influenced by factors such as the presence of major market players, product portfolio, pricing strategies, distribution networks, and customer relationships. Intense competition requires companies to differentiate their offerings and provide value-added solutions to gain a competitive advantage.

Regional Analysis

The geotextiles market in China exhibits regional variations in terms of demand, consumption patterns, and market dynamics. The key regions contributing to the growth of the geotextiles market in China include:

  1. Eastern China: The eastern region, encompassing major cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Guangzhou, is a prominent market for geotextiles. This region is characterized by rapid urbanization, extensive infrastructure development, and a high concentration of construction projects, driving the demand for geotextiles.
  2. Yangtze River Delta: The Yangtze River Delta region, comprising cities such as Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Nanjing, is a major economic and industrial hub in China. The region’s significant construction activities, including residential, commercial, and industrial projects, create a substantial demand for geotextiles.
  3. Pearl River Delta: The Pearl River Delta region, including cities such as Guangzhou, Shenzhen, and Hong Kong, is known for its booming construction and infrastructure projects. Geotextiles find extensive applications in this region due to its high population density, urban development, and focus on sustainable construction practices.
  4. Western China: The western region of China, including provinces such as Sichuan, Chongqing, and Shaanxi, is witnessing rapid infrastructure development and urbanization. The construction of highways, railways, and hydropower projects in this region drives the demand for geotextiles to ensure soil stabilization, erosion control, and slope reinforcement.
  5. Northeast China: The northeastern region, comprising provinces such as Liaoning, Jilin, and Heilongjiang, is witnessing increasing construction activities and urban development. The demand for geotextiles in this region is driven by infrastructure projects, residential construction, and land reclamation initiatives.

Competitive Landscape

The China geotextiles market is highly competitive, with the presence of both domestic and international players. Key market players strive to gain a competitive edge through strategies such as product innovation, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, and expanding their distribution networks. Major companies operating in the China geotextiles market include:

  1. TenCate Geosynthetics: TenCate Geosynthetics is a global leader in geosynthetic materials, offering a wide range of geotextiles for various applications. The company focuses on innovation and sustainability, providing solutions for soil stabilization, erosion control, and environmental protection.
  2. Hanes Geo Components: Hanes Geo Components is a leading manufacturer and distributor of geosynthetic materials, including geotextiles, geogrids, and erosion control products. The company offers a comprehensive range of solutions for infrastructure, construction, and environmental applications.
  3. GSE Environmental: GSE Environmental specializes in geosynthetic containment and drainage systems, including geotextiles, geomembranes, and geocomposites. The company provides solutions for waste management, mining, water containment, and soil reinforcement.
  4. Tensar International: Tensar International is a renowned provider of geosynthetic solutions, including geogrids and geotextiles. The company focuses on engineering expertise and offers solutions for soil reinforcement, slope stabilization, and pavement optimization.
  5. Huifeng Geosynthetics: Huifeng Geosynthetics is a prominent Chinese manufacturer of geotextiles and geosynthetic materials. The company provides a wide range of geotextile products for civil engineering, environmental protection, and hydraulic engineering applications.


The China geotextiles market can be segmented based on various factors, including product type, application, and end-user industries.

Product Type

  1. Woven Geotextiles: Woven geotextiles are manufactured by weaving synthetic fibers together to create a stable and durable fabric. They offer high strength and filtration properties, making them suitable for applications requiring soil stabilization, separation, and reinforcement.
  2. Non-woven Geotextiles: Non-woven geotextiles are manufactured by mechanically bonding or needle-punching synthetic fibers. They provide excellent filtration, drainage, and erosion control properties and are commonly used in applications such as filtration, separation, and protection.
  3. Knitted Geotextiles: Knitted geotextiles are produced by interlocking synthetic fibers through knitting techniques. They offer high tensile strength and flexibility, making them suitable for applications requiring soil reinforcement, embankment stabilization, and erosion control.


  1. Road Construction: Geotextiles are extensively used in road construction projects for soil stabilization, separation of pavement layers, and erosion control. They enhance the load-bearing capacity of roads, prevent the mixing of different soil layers, and improve overall pavement performance.
  2. Railway Projects: Geotextiles play a crucial role in railway projects by providing soil reinforcement, separation, and filtration functions. They help distribute loads, prevent soil erosion, and enhance the stability and longevity of railway tracks.
  3. Hydraulic Engineering: Geotextiles are widely employed in hydraulic engineering projects, including riverbank protection, coastal erosion control, and water containment systems. They offer erosion control, filtration, and drainage solutions, ensuring the structural integrity of hydraulic structures.
  4. Environmental Protection: Geotextiles find applications in environmental protection projects such as landfills, waste containment, and soil remediation. They provide impermeable barriers, filtration, and erosion control, minimizing the environmental impact of waste disposal and pollution prevention.
  5. Others: Geotextiles have diverse applications beyond the mentioned sectors. They are used in land reclamation, slope stabilization, foundation reinforcement, landscaping, and agriculture, among other areas.

Category-wise Insights

  1. Geotextiles for Soil Stabilization: Geotextiles designed for soil stabilization applications are primarily used to improve the strength and stability of soil in construction projects. These geotextiles provide reinforcement, prevent soil erosion, and enhance the overall performance of civil engineering structures.
  2. Geotextiles for Erosion Control: Geotextiles used for erosion control are specifically designed to prevent soil erosion in areas susceptible to water flow and movement. They provide a physical barrier that retains soil particles while allowing water to pass through, thereby minimizing erosion and maintaining slope stability.
  3. Geotextiles for Filtration: Geotextiles designed for filtration applications are used to separate different soil layers while allowing water to pass through. They prevent the mixing of fine and coarse particles, maintain soil integrity, and promote effective drainage.
  4. Geotextiles for Drainage: Geotextiles used for drainage purposes facilitate the efficient removal of excess water from the soil. These geotextiles allow water to pass through while preventing the clogging of drainage systems, ensuring optimal soil moisture levels.
  5. Geotextiles for Reinforcement: Geotextiles designed for reinforcement applications are used to enhance the stability and load-bearing capacity of soils in various construction projects. They provide tensile strength and distribute loads, improving the overall structural performance of foundations, embankments, and slopes.

Key Benefits for Industry Participants and Stakeholders

  1. Enhanced Construction Efficiency: The use of geotextiles in construction projects improves construction efficiency by reducing the need for additional materials and simplifying construction processes. Geotextiles offer easy installation, require minimal maintenance, and provide long-term durability, thereby streamlining construction operations.
  2. Cost Savings: Geotextiles can contribute to cost savings in construction projects by reducing the need for traditional construction materials, such as aggregates and granular fillers. Additionally, geotextiles minimize maintenance requirements and extend the lifespan of structures, resulting in long-term cost savings.
  3. Improved Project Durability and Performance: Geotextiles enhance the durability and performance of civil engineering structures by providing soil stabilization, erosion control, and drainage solutions. They reduce the risk of soil subsidence, prevent erosion-related damages, and enhance the overall structural integrity of construction projects.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: Geotextiles offer sustainable solutions in construction and infrastructure projects by promoting efficient water management, erosion control, and pollution prevention. They contribute to environmental protection by minimizing soil erosion, conserving water resources, and reducing the leaching of pollutants into groundwater.
  5. Versatile Applications: Geotextiles have versatile applications across various sectors, including road construction, railway projects, hydraulic engineering, and environmental protection. Industry participants can leverage the wide range of applications to cater to diverse customer needs and expand their market presence.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis provides insights into the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the China geotextiles market:


  1. Robust Infrastructure Development: China’s focus on infrastructure development projects presents a significant opportunity for the geotextiles market. The country’s extensive road networks, railway projects, and hydraulic engineering initiatives drive the demand for geotextiles.
  2. Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and development efforts in geotextile materials and manufacturing processes result in technological advancements. This strengthens the market’s competitiveness and facilitates the development of innovative products.
  3. Established Market Players: The presence of established domestic and international geotextile manufacturers in China contributes to the market’s growth. These companies bring expertise, experience, and a diverse product portfolio, enhancing the market’s overall competitiveness.


  1. Lack of Awareness and Education: Limited awareness among end-users, including contractors and engineers, regarding the benefits and applications of geotextiles poses a challenge. Educating stakeholders about the advantages of geotextiles is essential for market growth.
  2. Price Sensitivity: Price sensitivity among buyers, especially in cost-sensitive construction projects, can hinder the widespread adoption of geotextiles. Overcoming the perception that geotextiles are expensive compared to traditional construction materials is crucial.


  1. Government Initiatives: The Chinese government’s focus on infrastructure development, sustainable construction practices, and environmental protection creates favorable market opportunities. Government initiatives and policies drive the demand for geotextiles in various construction and infrastructure projects.
  2. Growing Environmental Awareness: Increasing environmental concerns and the need for sustainable solutions propel the demand for geotextiles. The market can capitalize on this trend by emphasizing the environmental benefits of geotextiles, such as erosion control, water management, and pollution prevention.


  1. Availability of Alternatives: The availability of alternative materials and construction methods poses a threat to the geotextiles market. Other solutions, such as concrete structures, natural fiber erosion control mats, or geogrids, may be considered as alternatives to geotextiles, depending on project requirements and budget constraints.
  2. Counterfeit Products: Ensuring product quality and combating the presence of counterfeit or substandard geotextile products is crucial. The use of low-quality or counterfeit geotextiles can compromise the performance and integrity of construction projects, damaging the market’s reputation.

Market Key Trends

  1. Increasing Adoption of High-Strength Geotextiles: There is a growing trend toward the adoption of high-strength geotextiles in construction projects that require superior load-bearing capacity and stability. These geotextiles offer enhanced tensile strength and durability, allowing for the construction of structurally sound and resilient infrastructure.
  2. Emphasis on Sustainable Geotextiles: The market is witnessing an increased focus on sustainable geotextiles that minimize environmental impact. Biodegradable geotextiles, recycled materials, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes are gaining prominence, aligning with the global shift toward sustainability.
  3. Integration of Geotextiles with Geosynthetics: The integration of geotextiles with other geosynthetic materials, such as geogrids and geomembranes, is gaining traction. This integration provides comprehensive solutions for complex engineering challenges, including soil stabilization, erosion control, and containment applications.
  4. Digitization and IoT Integration: The geotextiles market is experiencing the integration of digital technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT). Smart geotextiles embedded with sensors and monitoring systems enable real-time data collection, analysis, and predictive maintenance, enhancing project efficiency and performance.
  5. Customization and Tailored Solutions: Increasingly, market players are focusing on offering customized geotextile solutions tailored to specific project requirements. This approach allows for optimized performance, improved efficiency, and better project outcomes, meeting the diverse needs of customers.

Covid-19 Impact

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the China geotextiles market. The construction and infrastructure sectors experienced disruptions due to lockdown measures, labor shortages, and supply chain disruptions. Construction project delays and temporary shutdowns directly affected the demand for geotextiles in the short term.

However, as economic activities resumed and government stimulus measures were implemented, the construction sector gradually recovered. The Chinese government’s emphasis on infrastructure development and economic recovery initiatives stimulated the demand for geotextiles, particularly in projects aimed at reviving the economy.

The pandemic also highlighted the importance of sustainable construction practices and environmental protection. This renewed focus on sustainability is expected to drive the demand for geotextiles, as they offer eco-friendly solutions for erosion control, soil stabilization, and water management.

Additionally, the pandemic accelerated the digitization of the construction industry, including the adoption of digital tools and remote monitoring technologies. These digital advancements can positively impact the geotextiles market by enabling more efficient project management, data-driven decision-making, and remote monitoring of geotextile performance.

Key Industry Developments

  1. Research and Development Investments: Market players are investing in research and development activities to develop innovative geotextile products with improved properties, such as higher strength, enhanced filtration, and UV stability. These developments cater to the evolving needs of end-users and contribute to market growth.
  2. Strategic Collaborations and Partnerships: Geotextile manufacturers are forming strategic collaborations and partnerships with research institutions, government agencies, and construction companies. These partnerships facilitate knowledge exchange, innovation, and customized geotextile solutions for specific projects, enhancing market competitiveness.
  3. Sustainability Initiatives: The geotextiles industry is increasingly focusing on sustainability, promoting the use of eco-friendly materials and manufacturing processes. Companies are investing in the development of biodegradable geotextiles, recycling initiatives, and sustainability certifications to meet the growing demand for environmentally responsible solutions.
  4. Expansion of Production Capacities: Some market players are expanding their production capacities to meet the increasing demand for geotextiles. This expansion enables companies to cater to a larger customer base, maintain supply chain efficiency, and gain a competitive advantage in the market.

Analyst Suggestions

  1. Emphasize Education and Awareness: Industry stakeholders should focus on educating end-users, including contractors, engineers, and government agencies, about the benefits and applications of geotextiles. Awareness campaigns, training programs, and knowledge-sharing initiatives can drive market growth by increasing adoption rates.
  2. Strengthen Partnerships and Collaboration: Collaborating with research institutions, government agencies, and construction companies can foster innovation, knowledge exchange, and customized solutions. Partnerships enable the development of geotextile products that meet specific project requirements, enhancing market competitiveness.
  3. Invest in Research and Development: Continued investment in research and development is essential to drive innovation in geotextile materials, manufacturing processes, and applications. Developing advanced geotextile products with enhanced properties, durability, and eco-friendliness will cater to evolving customer needs and expand market opportunities.
  4. Embrace Sustainability: The focus on sustainability is expected to grow in the construction industry. Geotextile manufacturers should prioritize sustainability initiatives, including the use of recycled materials, development of biodegradable geotextiles, and adherence to sustainability certifications, to meet market demands and regulatory requirements.
  5. Leverage Digital Technologies: The integration of digital technologies and IoT in the geotextiles market offers opportunities for efficiency improvements and data-driven decision-making. Companies should embrace digital tools for project management, remote monitoring, and performance analysis to enhance operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Future Outlook

The future of the China geotextiles market appears promising, driven by ongoing infrastructure development initiatives, increasing environmental awareness, and technological advancements. The market is expected to witness steady growth, with a focus on sustainable solutions, customization, and digital integration.

Factors such as rapid urbanization, transportation network expansions, and ecological restoration projects will continue to drive the demand for geotextiles. Investments in research and development will lead to the development of advanced geotextile materials and products, meeting the evolving needs of the construction industry.

Moreover, collaborations, partnerships, and knowledge-sharing initiatives will promote innovation and market expansion. The market’s future outlook relies on the industry’s ability to educate stakeholders, enhance product offerings, embrace sustainability, and leverage digital technologies to deliver efficient, durable, and eco-friendly geotextile solutions.


The China geotextiles market is witnessing significant growth, driven by infrastructure development projects, urbanization, and environmental awareness. Geotextiles play a vital role in enhancing soil stability, erosion control, and drainage solutions in various construction and infrastructure projects. The market offers diverse opportunities for industry participants, including government initiatives, technological advancements, and expanding application areas.

However, challenges such as limited awareness, price sensitivity, and the availability of alternatives need to be addressed. Industry stakeholders should focus on educating end-users, emphasizing sustainability, and investing in research and development to drive market growth. Collaborations, partnerships, and digital integration will play a crucial role in shaping the future of the geotextiles market, offering efficient, durable, and environmentally friendly solutions for the construction industry in China.

China Geotextiles Market

Segmentation Details
Product Type Woven, Non-woven, Knitted, Others
Application Road Construction, Erosion Control, Drainage
End-use Industry Construction, Agriculture, Transportation
Region China

Leading Companies in the China Geotextiles Market:

  1. Haining Jihua Composite Material Co., Ltd.
  2. Taian City Rui Heng Building Materials Co., Ltd.
  3. Tensar International Corporation
  4. Shandong Tianhai New Materials Engineering Co., Ltd.
  5. Huesker Synthetic GmbH
  6. Fiberweb (India) Ltd.
  7. Shandong Hongxiang New Geo-Material Co., Ltd.
  8. Propex Operating Company, LLC
  9. NAUE GmbH & Co. KG
  10. Huifeng Geosynthetics

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